Friday before my birthday, Carter spent the night with my in-laws so Kaleb and I went to Texas Roadhouse just the two of us (with a sleeping baby in tow) and it was nice just to have the time to ourselves. A few days later we went to Utah so Kaleb could work and I enjoyed time with good friends and family!
Tuesday night we stayed with our best friends the Whitworths in Bountiful,and I was able to spend all day Wednesday hanging out with Lydia. We sure do miss being so far away from you guys! We took the kids to the park and then went and checked out the new City Creek Mall in SLC. The best part of the day was just being able to talk and relax and catch up with her. Carter loved spending time with his good pal Addison and his new favorite baby Clark (next to Mila of course). He keeps telling me he wants a brother like Clark. :)
Walking through the princess castle at the Disney Store
Loving the water in the reflection pool on Temple square!
Thursday night we headed off to Provo to see Marianne, Brian and Haley! They are some of my best friends from college and I really love them. Brian just graduated from BYU with his masters degree and they are moving to Texas. I had to see them while they were still so close to us. I really enjoyed talking with them and having Carter and their daughter Haley play together. I am going to miss you guys when you move so far away!
Carter with Haley
Friday afternoon for my birthday, my awesome brother Jesh took me out for Sushi in SLC! Kaleb and Brooke did not want to come since neither of them like fish at all so it was a delicious afternoon spent with my favorite brother just the two of us. I loved getting some one on one time with him since that never happens. The sushi was A-MAZING! He had me try new things which I loved. I tried some Nigiri for the first time and it was... ok. Ha! I didn't know if I would like it and I was too scared to try the straight Sashimi so we had the Nigiri instead. Now that I know which cuts of fish I like and don't like, I would try it again! Then it was onto my favorites of the day the Maki Bento! The spicy salmon tempura rolls were my faves. We even ordered an extra roll of them. YUM! Thanks Bro!
So... my brother doesn't like this picture, but it's the only one I got of him so I am going to post it. Look at that yummy food!
The plate of Nigiri with some spicy tuna rolls
Maki Bento! Yum!
The rest of the day was spent with Brooke and Jesh and the kids playing. I really love this family! I could spend all of my time with them and never get too bored. Carter loves his cousins so so much and cries just about every time we have to leave to go back home.
All the kids together! (except Kate, she was sleeping)
Good big brother Christian with his sister Kate
Get a load of those chunky cheeks! Adorable.
Collin wanted to get in on the action.
Rachael with Kate.
Too bad Mila won't let anyone hold her so I couldn't get a picture of her with anyone!
Only a few short hours later it was time for my birthday dinner which I was really looking forward to! I had a free meal at Tocanos which we definitely cannot afford otherwise. Kaleb and I, Jesh and Brooke, Rachael and all the kids headed all the way back to SLC and had a fun evening full of the most delicious meat and fried bananas! Kaleb and I love to eat here, but you can't do it very often or else its a meat OVERLOAD! But boy is it tasty. :) After that, We tried out a place a block away per Jesh's recommendation. I can't remember what it is called, but they sell the most amazing waffles. Each waffle has huge grains of sugar in the batter and when it cooks, the sugar stays somewhat together so it is like biting into a piece of heaven. Did I mention that each waffle has a huge chunk of melted dark chocolate in the center? HEAVEN! Seriously. We are going there again someday, but until then I will only have my memories and my dreams of my celestial encounter to tide me over. :)
All of us at Tucanos
The yummy hole in the wall waffle place. Double Yum!
Ready for bed with a screaming baby. But the day was worth it :)
The next morning it was time to go home :( But not without stopping at Krispy Kremes on the way! I know what you are thinking... more fattening foods?!! But hey, we don't have anything around here that is this good! Kaleb loves doughnuts and I don't, except for Krispy Kremes so it is really the only time he gets them. And don't worry, Carter secretly ate most of them when we weren't looking...
That was the end of my magical food filled week. When we came home I started on a new healthy eating plan which was super depressing so I look back on these food memories fondly. I hope the rest of you get spoiled for your golden birthdays as well! Oh wait, I am the only golden one!!!! hahaha.

We LOVE tocanos!!! how did you get a free dinner there? Did you go to the one in the Gateway?
We subscribe to their birthday club and get a free meal for our birthdays! It is awesome!
Sweet! I just signed Ben and I up! Thanks for sharing!
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