Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ciao a tutti!

Hello Everyone!

This is Kaleb. Brittaney's husband... and therefore the luckiest man in the universe. I usually don't have much to say (unless you get me going on Italy, computers, or Star Wars). And even then I tend to bore people. But I would like to take just a minute and talk about my wife.

First of all she is one patient woman. She can somehow put up with all of my crazy antics. I'm probably more of a kid trapped in an adult's body then anything else but she continues to love me every day.

She is an awesome cook (despite what she tells herself). Many have tried to fatten me up but few have succeeded like her.

She is a tough cookie. Have you ever been pregnant? I sure haven't and it's probably a good thing....especially for those of you who know how well I deal with blood/gross and disgusting things. I have to give her props for being so happy when I know a lot of the time she is uncomfortable and would rather be sleeping. I'm excited that we have just less then 2 months until our baby arrives! I know Britt will be such a good mom :) And no... we still haven't decided on a name for our baby yet ( although.. Luigi is a pretty sweet name if you ask me ).

We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary on Sunday and I can't believe how fast it went! Everyone kept telling us how hard the first year would be but to be honest it hasn't been that bad at all. I love her and very much look forward to being with her forever.



Ashleigh said...

Happy Late anniversary!! What a great guy. Your so lucky little lady. I am glad you guys made it a whole year..in five, you'll be right where we are! I can't wait to see that little baby boy! ;-) I am going to look up some names for you guys..

Tatiana said...

Ah what a nice guy! Earning some brownie points...or pasta points? We heard the first year was the hardest, but I never believed it!