Friday, June 11, 2010

Under Construction!

I have noticed lately how much my blog stinks. I mean, I know I am really not much of a blogger in the first place, but I at least want it to look pretty! Right now it looks like I just picked the most basic layout and fonts (which I did) and didn't put any effort into it (which is also true). But those of you who know me best, (my husband especially) know how computer illiterate I actually am. I had a hard time just figuring out how to create an account on facebook (that really took me a long time and I had to have a roommate do it for me). It really makes no sense, seeing how I have been surrounded by computer savvy people all my life, and then married a computer genius ;) But I guess when that monumental computer moment happened in my life, where it would either make me or break me, turning me into a computer know-how or a just a computer NO-HOW- something didn't click and I turned down that dark road of technology ignorance.

BUT! I will not let this interfere with my changing my whole life around and making something of my online self. My blog WILL be beautiful and I WILL make you all jealous! Muahahahaha! And... I will probably end up getting my husband to do most of the work, while under the guise of "showing me how to do it", but secretly I wont have the slightest idea what he is talking about.

For example, my loving sister gave me a couple of links I could follow to help me get some cool fonts and also to make a signature (the signature I finally ended up doing after like an hour and a half of trying... but look how pretty it looks?!!! :) Getting the fonts seemed easy enough but after trying to follow the tutorial I got pretty lost and spent pretty much the entire day yesterday confusing myself over and over again until finally i just said "FORGET IT!" (literally I said it out loud and in utter despair.) When Kaleb got home I asked him to help me and at first he wasn't sure what the tutorial was talking about, but then after a moment or so once he figured out what the end goal was, he had it finished within minutes. MINUTES!!! It had taken me hours. HOURS!! And then he had the nerve to say in his super smart and sexy way something like this- "I could have done that a completely different way and saved you a whole lot of time." Well, I wish I had known that yesterday morning when I first attempted to do it. I secretly thought if I could do it myself then I could show him that I had computer smarts too, but it ended up totally backfiring. Ugh! Hahaha, he is so smart though. I wish I had even 1% of his computer knowledge.

So, from now until... whenever I get it done, things will probably look somewhat ugly. Things will be stretched, smooshed, cut off, not color coordinated, fonts will be too big, too little, or just won't match, huge gaps may be apparent, but don't worry- I am working on it! (well, hopefully I am- I may have just given up and this is what it is going to look like for good :) Be patient with me and know I am doing this for YOU and for your visual pleasure. And for my ego :D And to those 5 readers that I have, thank you for actually reading and being my friends!!!!

1 comment:

C said...

You are so funny... I'll help you! I think it's fun :) And I added you to mine btw.